Evaluation of Endocrine Disruption in Fathead Minnows by Wastewater Effluent from CCLEAN Participants (2009 – 2010 Annual Report)
CCLEAN commissioned the University of California Davis Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory at Granite Canyon to perform bioassays using fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to test for endocrine disruption activity in each participant’s wastewater effluent at estimated effluent dilutions provided by each respective outfall diffuser. Observation endpoints included fecundity and fertilization success, behavior and appearance, nuptial turbcle […]
Persistent Organic Pollutant Concentrations in Southern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) : Patterns with Respect to Environmental Risk Factors and Major Causes of Mortality
In cooperation with California Department of Fish and Wildlife, CCLEAN was awarded a grant from the California State Water Board to perform a comprehensive study of persistent organic pollutants if archived tissues from 227 freshly dead wild southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) stranding between 2000 and 2005 along the California coast between San Francisco […]
Monitoring and Mitigation to Address Fecal Pathogen Pollution along California Coast
In cooperation with the University of California, Davis and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, CCLEAN was awarded a grant from the California State Water Board to use both laboratory and field approaches to investigate issues related to water quality monitoring and mitigation of fecal pathogen pollution along the central California coast. Our specific […]
Effects of River Discharges on Sea Surface Chlorophyll and Suspended Sediments in Monterey Bay
As part of CCLEAN’s routine measurements, nutrient and pathogen data are collected from several streams in the Monterey Bay region. CCLEAN compared SeaWIFS chlorophyll (n=11, 4 sites, N=44) and normalized water leaving radiance at 555 nm (nLw555; n=4, 4 sites, N=16) for reference and “impact” stations near Scott Creek and Pajaro River. Using paired t-tests, […]
PFAS Sampling Under State of California Order 2020-0015-DWQ
Each CCLEAN participating agency was required to implement monitoring of influent, effluent and biosolids for a specified list of PFAS analytes. The collection and analysis of samples were performed according to strigent State of California and Department of Defense protocols that minimized sample contamination due to clothing and sample collection equipment. The program was performed […]
Microplastics in CCLEAN Wastewater Effluent Discharges
In response to regulatory agency initiatives to improve understanding of the types and quantities of microplastic particles being discharged into Monterey Bay by municipal wastewater agencies, CCLEAN added microplastics as an emerging contaminant to be measured under the program in 2020. Although there are currently no restrictions for daily loads of microplastics being discharged into […]