CCLEAN Program Management by
Applied Marine Sciences, Inc.
The CCLEAN program employs a professional service organization to fulfill its technical responsibilities. Applied Marine Sciences, Inc. has fulfilled those technical responsibilities since the Program inception, including the engagement of sub-contractors as approved by CCLEAN.

Aroon Melwani
Program Director
Aroon Melwani holds a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Macquarie University, an MS in Marine Science from California State University at Monterey Bay, and a BS in Oceanography and Marine Biology from the University of Southampton. He has over 20 years of experience supporting local, regional, and state agencies on sediment and water quality, contaminant bioaccumulation, and biological assessments. Dr. Melwani has worked with scientists, policymakers, and environmental managers to design and optimize several major environmental programs, including the CCLEAN Program, the San Francisco Bay and Delta RMPs, and regional and state sediment quality studies. He currently serves as the Program Director for the CCLEAN Program. Dr. Melwani has authored 15 peer-reviewed publications and numerous technical reports.

Dane Hardin
Program Advisor
Mr. Hardin holds a Ph.C. and a BA in Biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and has 40 years of experience studying and assessing marine and aquatic ecosystems. He has advised the California State Water Resources Control Board on designing monitoring programs for San Francisco and Monterey Bays. As the Program Manager for CCLEAN until 2023, he managed AMS’ work on the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project’s desalination EIR/EIS and conducted a literature review on chemical contaminants affecting sea otters for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. He actively participates in the MBNMS Water Quality Protection Program Committee and has presented CCLEAN results to the Central Coast Water Board, the MBNMS Research Advisory Panel, and various stakeholder groups. Mr. Hardin has authored over 30 scientific publications.

Paul Salop
Quality Assurance Officer
Mr. Salop holds an MS in Marine Resource Management from Oregon State University and a BS in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University. He has over 25 years of experience working for consulting firms and state and federal agencies. He currently serves as Project Manager for AMS, supporting the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program’s (ACCWP) stormwater monitoring efforts. In this role, he manages field collection efforts, ensures field quality control for the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in the San Francisco Estuary, and provides on-call technical services to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Region 9 Core Water Division Programs.